Saturday, March 17, 2012

Great News Day Sleepers, listen up!!

For 5 years since I took this Postal Service run to Portland I’ve had a very difficult time getting sleep during the days I work. On the weekends I catch up some but lately it just hasn’t been enough. The insomnia I’m suffering with is nearly on the verge of turning me into a lunatic. Some of my good friends might say that I was a lunatic even before I took this job but that’s another story.

Sunshine is the enemy in the world of a Day Sleeper. 

 Answer:  Blackout EZ Window Covers

So Jenny and hired a Blinds company to come and put up new ones in our bedroom so we could cut down on the sunlight coming in since we both sleep during the day. The blinds while nice looking and expensive still haven’t done the job. And this is with expensive lined drapes behind them too.

Recently I’ve taken my lack of sleep to a whole new level so we started talking about different ideas to blot out the sun so we can be in a dark room. Putting up cardboard and aluminum foil in the windows was out because we didn’t want our bedroom to look like we were cooking meth in it. The idea of tinting the windows was investigated and I found out they can tint a window that blocks up to 95% of light… still not enough. So I searched the World Wide Web and stumbled onto this website. I hit the jackpot.

It works just like it is advertised and is easy to install. I had less than an hour invested in both windows in the bedroom. If you’re wondering about being able to get air from the outside and don’t want to pull the shade completely out use this little trick I thought up. You’ll have plenty of left over Velcro tape so just tape one 7 inch stripe to the top left and right corner of the inside of the shade and then tape one 7 inch strip to the bottom left and right corners and Bam! All you have to do is pull the bottom of the shade up and us the tape to secure it. Then open your window and Bingo!! You can open the window and let air.

That’s my public service act for the week for all you Day Sleepers out there. Trust me once you put this up not one sliver of light gets into the room. I was not paid for this endorsement but I wish I would have been. Thank you and that is all.

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