Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Grateful for this glorious Community Service Honor

Jeff Jacques: US Junior Chamber International Senator #69657

Here's the definition of what a JCI Senator is:

"The United States JCI Senate is an independent organization, with its own constitution and bylaws, associated with the United States Junior Chamber and Junior Chamber International.

The purposes of the US JCI Senate are twofold. Foremost, we seek to build and promote fellowship among our Senators through our publications, meetings, and social activities. Second, but just as important to us, is to promote the Junior Chamber program. We do this by offering our assistance and the knowledge and experience of our members to the Junior Chamber organization. The United States JCI Senate stands ready to help the United States Junior Chamber and any local chapter, district, region, or state officer. This assistance is always available for the asking.

A JCI Senatorship is the highest honor which can be bestowed upon a current or past member by Junior Chamber International for outstanding service to the organization. It provides a unique means for recognizing a member’s outstanding achievements, and also confers upon that individual a “Life Membership” in Junior Chamber International.

A JCI Senatorship may be given to any local Junior Chamber member in appreciation of services rendered at any level of the organization, and is subject to the approval of the local, state, and national Presidents. Current local members must have a minimum of five years of membership before they may be nominated for a JCI Senatorship."

I had a very wonderful surprise waiting for me this morning when I came home from work. It’s seems my wife Jenny gave me a great belated birthday present.

I guess she tried to get it to me by my 50th birthday but it didn’t quite get here on time but trust me this is one of those precious gifts that even though you get it late, it was well worth the wait.

My wife, with the help of Frank Sowder the current State President of the Wyoming Jaycees, submitted a Senatorship application in my name to the US Jaycees and the JCI. They accepted it. This award is the highest honor a Jaycee can receive and it’s such a great privilege to be selected. I’ve been out of the JC’s for 9 years but the 15 years that I happily served were some of the best years of my life.  

The instant I joined the Worland, WY Jaycees in 1986 I began to experience immediately all the community, management, and individual development educational lessons the organization would teach me over the next 15 years in several different JC Chapters around Wyoming. I had a fantastic experience in the Jaycees getting involved in a wide variety of projects and meeting all kinds of exceptional people in the organization and outside of it. The experiences I gleamed from the JC’s also helped to advance my business career in management because during those years I ran 2 different businesses.

Today the need for the Jaycees in America couldn’t be greater. It’s the best young person’s organization in the world and has helped launch many of today’s successful businessmen and women and political leaders. If you have never heard of the JC’s and are between the ages of 18 and 41 I encourage you to check it out. Here’s the link to the US Jaycees website.

Many of my friends on facebook are people I met in the Wyoming Jaycees. To this day they are some of the best friends I’ve ever made in my life and for that one thing alone I’m eternally grateful. I can also thank the JC’s for helping me meet Jenny who I met at the last State Meeting I could attend as a regular member (at 41 you age out) back in 2001 in Thermopolis, WY. She turned out to be my best friend and eventually my wife.

Jenny is the single greatest gift I ever received in the Jaycees. Thank you my love for making this happen and thank you to all the great friends I have in the JC’s and for your love and friendship over the years.

I love the Jaycee Creed and I sincerely believe that if any young person joined the Jaycees today they too would see that service to humanity is the best work of life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Welfare State

We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: an end to the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged.

We demand the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our entire system of public education. We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.

The government must undertake the improvement of public health - by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education of youth. We combat the materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of the common good before the individual good.

From the political program of the Nazi Party, adopted in Munich, on February 24, 1920, quoted in Die Nationalsozialistische Dokumente 1933-1945, edited by Walther Hofer, Frankfurt am Mein: Fischer Bucherei, 1957, pp.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's a Wonderful 50

What a wonderful 50th Birthday I had. Jenny treated me to great weekend at the Bonneville Hot Springs Spa & Resort. When we returned to Astoria on Monday night I had all these wonderful emails from all my friends and family ready and waiting to read. My wife is such a sweetheart she emailed all of you and asked you to write a few words for my birthday. I started to figure something was up when I think she tried to send an email from my address that just said Birthday. I must have walked into the house when she tried that because I got an email from Curt and Paul that day.

I’m so overwhelmed and grateful for the love and appreciation you have shown me. Jenny copied and pasted all the emails and sent them to me. I decided to post them on my blog so when I go to this webpage I can never forget just how lucky I am to have the greatest family and friends in whole world. Thank you all, I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.

My dear, sweet, loving husband,

It was so great to get away and celebrate your 50th birthday together! It really brought to the front of my mind all the things I love about you and take for granted day to day! Some of the things I love about you are how you make me feel love, respected and cherished every day. I love how when we are out and about you talk to little kids, teenagers and the elderly (there are some folks even older than YOU!) and make em smile. I love how you get a good laugh out of things that just really aren’t that funny to me, but make me laugh anyway because your laugh is so delightful! I love how you are turning into a man who enjoys puttering around the house! So, so, so many things! I just love the wonderful, fun and kindhearted man you are! I feel so lucky and proud to be married to you! Let the adventure go on!


Happy 50th birthday Dad! I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You have such a huge, kind heart and are the most thoughtful person I know. Think of this day as a milestone not a road block, the wisdom you have gained will make the next fifty years that much more amazing!

I think of your life like a long road trip, destination unknown. Fifty years isn’t a long time when you think about all of the things you have accomplished. You have a charismatic quality that draws people to you and a confidence that should be admired. You have taught me determination and a positive attitude can get you very far in life. Our personalities are so similar I think that’s why we sometimes butted heads in the past!

I remember all your stories from the Jaycees and all the charity work you did for those people that were less fortunate. Some people have the ability to relate to others no matter how different they’re backgrounds may be. You are one of those people. You have drive and when you have a goal in sight there is nothing that can stand in your way of reaching that goal. I respect you so much and I hope you know what a wonderful father, husband, and son you really are.

I have such fun memories for the summers we spent together in Florida when I was little. I know and have always known that you would do anything to make me happy. I know I can count on you for anything and I truly appreciate all the sacrifices you have made in your life to make mine better.

Don’t get too depressed about getting older. Just remember all the things you have accomplished in your life. All the places you have been, the people you have met and touched along the way. You have had an amazing ride so far and it’s only going to get better. I love you so much Dad and I am proud of the Man you are.

Love, Nicole

"Long Lost Brother of Mine"

Where to begin…

Well I have a lot of stories about Jeff that I recall just because he told me about the things I did when I was a baby. There are 3 things in particular that he once told me that I did when I was first born and just a baby, the first one is that Mom and Dad brought me home from the hospital and Jeff told me that Mom had to go to the store for something so I was a new born and my Dad was there with me, evidently I pooped and my poop was yellow and my Dad couldn't stand the smell so he made Jeff changed me...  Thanks for cleaning me up and getting me changed Bro! I guess Dad went and puked somewhere.

Anyway Jenny just know that when I am writing this stuff I may be off on the historical facts, don't worry Jeff will tell it like it is if I get it wrong. The second one was that he was lying on his back in front of the TV on a pillow, Jeff told me that I crawled or walked up to him and hit him in the teeth with one of those nut crackers that you get out during Christmas time. Guess I really must have surprised him.

Lastly Jeff and his friends were out playing baseball and it was Jeff’s Birthday, not sure if they were throwing a party but Jeff informed me that right when he walked in the door from outside I pushed his Birthday cake off the dinner table and it fell to the floor...sorry about that Bro. So those are some stories when I was a baby that I can remember. 

So let’s see some other memories of Jeff when I was a kid. I locked the keys in Jeff’s new car while we were in Cody. Jeff had to get a hangar to jimmy the electric lock. Took about an hour but Jeff got it.  It was cold that day too. 

Jeff always took me the to the NWC Trapper basketball games in Powell. We went to those a lot. It was always fun to watch them with him.

Jeff took me fishing out on the Clarks Fork River, he had an awesome Blue Ford F-150 like no other, and it was the shit. Not sure what year it would have been I think he bought it brand new? It was Navy blue and it had way cool tires and rims on it. I know Jeff was very proud of that truck. It was nice. It also had a great sound system in it. It was in his cool Ford F-150 that Jeff introduced me to Van Halen’s Eruption. Since that day I have been a huge Van Halen fan.

It was always amusing to me to hear Jeff fart...I egged him on. Often, one or two times he did it at the dinner table. It was not well received but it was a sacrifice Jeff made for me I know it was just to amuse his little Brother. Still to this day it makes me laugh when he farts, but what can I say, boys will be boys and I guess it is a guy thing.

Ok moving on. There are just too many things to recall, you did so much for me as a kid. He took me to the movies a lot, made sure I was signed up for sports. He called wrestling, “Wrasling.”  It always pissed Jeff off when my Mom and my Sister would say "Oh, David you’re just too small.”  He just wanted me to be confidant.

Jeff always made sure I had a great Christmas. One year he got me a St. Louis Cardinals football uniform; he went all out, got me the cleats, the socks, and even took the jersey to the Sports Shack to get my name put on the back of it. I still have the Jersey Bro and the Helmet. I will keep them forever. 

We used to play Atari together and I would get so frustrated at him when I would lose. One Christmas I wanted a football, he told my Mom to get me the real pro official NFL Football, if I recall she got the wrong one our Mom I think they had to go and order it from Sears, needless to say it was on back order and every day after school I would stop by Sears on Bent Street to see if it came, though it was my Christmas present it didn’t come in until like the end of January. I still have that ball though...I am glad Jeff looked for it and to tell mom to get me the real thing.

Anyway Jeff I have many fond memories growing up, you looked out for your little Brother, you cared and it means so much. And it does carry thru to this day Bro. I know I have told you many times before, you are and still are to this day ultimately a huge factor in my path, I have never done any drugs to this day and am proud of it, never had those addictions. It is because you steered me in the right direction. It has stuck with me all these years. 

Jeff is one of the strongest willed people I know, one of the toughest people I know too. I remember when you were on the road trucking and your feet were hurting you, I just graduated from PTA school, you were in so much pain but you had such a high pain tolerance anyway but the funny thing is you didn't have enough sense to take an anti-inflammatory or a Tylenol. Like you always said Bro, What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. You’re resilient Bro. 

And I know when it comes to me, your little brother, that you would take a bullet for me, when I speak of you I often say that you would in fact step in front of a freight train for me, or go through some type of brave heart thing for me if it came to that. I know you have my back Bro. My new description for you is the “Shoot me again, I’m not dead yet adage." It’s a Metallica song but when I hear it, it reminds me of you. That is my testimony of how strong of a person you really are. Your conviction, compassion and passion for things are amazing. You have played so many roles that you should be proud of: Such as, Brother, Jaycee, Friend, California Policeman, 5K & 10K Runner damn good one at that, Husband, Dad, NFL and Sports encyclopedia, Al Anon member, Volunteer, Trucker, a rooter for the underdog, a Raider Hater, a Mile High Maniac...Lover of the NFL so many roles Bro. 

Well Bro I could go on and on. Just know that I love you, I will be thinking about you on your 50th Birthday. Jeff I know in my heart of hearts you have the courage to carry on. It’s just a number Bro. You are only as old as you feel, and just remember to stay young at heart, that is the key. Live Bro!  I love you Jeff. You are a good Brother to have. Thank you and Goodnight.

Love You Bro, David

Jeffery! Jeffery! It’s your big 50th Birthday. The bigger the better!
50 look’s great on you! You’re still a damn fine looking Man!

Love you much, Mom

Wow the 5-0! Have a great Birthday Jeff, love you miss you.

Your Sister Peggy

Dear OLD Jeff!

Our favorite memory of you is the week we spent in Jackson Hole on vacation. We had only knew you a short while. We spent the week floating down the river, going to the ranch comedy show, watching Robbie take his first glider flight at age 90 and THE trip to Yellowstone. Who would have known the turn of events? The "communication" with Grace, the geysers, the buffalo coming into our picnic site, the hospital, and finally sitting at the picnic table at the end of the day when you said, "I feel like I have known you guys all my life!" We laughed and laughed! Priceless! It was quite a week!

As you turn 50, relax and enjoy! You are only as old as you make yourself feel! Another notch in life's experience belt! We hope you have a great birthday and enjoy all the pampering! Happy 50th Birthday Jeff.

Love, Phil and Paula Wohosky

Happy Birthday, Jeff, are you sure you are 50 because that would make me way older than I thought I was. All I can say is celebrate every birthday cause that means you’re still alive & kicking, they get better.

Love you Aunt Patty

You have touched the lives of so many people and I am very grateful to call you my friend it’s an honor. I wish you all the happiness and health you deserve. Now that we have reached our half-life there is still much to do. I’ll see you down the trail my friend.

Lenny Martin

Hey Jeff, happy 50th! Remember you're only as old as you feel on the inside. I'm not sure if I ever thanked you for all your support while we were going through the academy. You were an inspiration being the oldest one of us there. You might not have been the fastest or smartest, but you definitely had the most drive and desire to finish that all us youngsters out there.

I'm glad to have shared all those long drives and quiz sessions we had together and want you to know that your friendship during that time was a real asset and I still cherish it today. Anyway, I hope your 50th is a day to remember. Take care,

Brian Griep

Jeff has said many times, "You know Mindy, I think of you as family. And you know there isn't anything in the world I wouldn't do for you."

I love that any time we've asked for help, he has been eager to lend a hand. This has been achieved by letting us use the truck, helping move a dryer, move heavy furniture upstairs, driving to a meeting.

I also like the time you two came over in your Halloween costumes and we couldn't figure them out. He was a little crushed. I miss you two. HB to you, Jeff!

Mindy Burns

Happy 50th Buddy & Please give me back my Bike! :) To a friend of mine since grade school, I know back then he was a “true friend.” From all of Jeff’s trails and learning of life Jeff is one the coolest, honest, worthy of life people I know.

I’m so honored to have Jeff as very good friend and I love him with all of my heart.

Thanks for being a friend!! Love you Buddy!!!

John Jacobson

50? You're only halfway on the journey. Heavens man, welcome to the elite club!

As you celebrate on your end, I will tip a glass to remember how generous and welcoming you and Jenny were to me in Woodland. And what a great computer student you were.

I was just now reliving that wonderful little hike we took in Marin County, my old college stomping grounds.

Someday you will come to appreciate what great things a good Purdue quarterback can do (ahem...Drew Brees, Kyle Orton... I know you had doubts...)

You have fun with your gang out there, and when you are next in the east, let me know.

Birthday best from your Hoosier Yankee friend,

Doug Immel

When our paths all crossed we and you were all in the throes of dealing with difficult teenagers and all of the baggage that comes with that! Plus, you had a broken leg and were house-bound for so much of that time. You see, Jeff, turning 50 is a lot easier than THOSE days were . . . . Piece of cake, in fact, and we hope you had at least one good-sized slice of that cake yesterday. So going forward, it is okay now to move a little slower, and ask people to repeat things you can’t hear. You have earned the right to flaunt your gray hair and those few extra pounds and you don’t owe anyone an explanation of why you do the things you do! You’ve experienced both joy and sorrow, and believe it or not, you are definitely wiser than you were 30 years ago – all of that wisdom comes with a price, but be grateful we are all still here to enjoy the fruits of that wisdom and thank God for each day you have to implement everything you’ve learned. You’re over the hump now, go for the next 50 years with GUSTO!!!

Wishing you all the best!

John & Terry Collins

You and Jenny came to our house for what is one of my favorite dinners ever. Lot's and lots of laughter. A story about a couple of Wyoming drunks and a coyote that still makes me laugh. But best of all, when you with an extremely serious face said "You're a Raider fan?”  I'm surprised that you would admit that in public." That's poetry.” Funny fucking poetry. (And yes I still am - though they suck, boy do they suck these days.) Happy Birthday and you've still got forever so don't fret the number.

My very best,

Jeff McMahon

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! You’re not so bad for an old man Jeff. Sure do miss those crazy Jaycees times and all those post cards received while you were on the road! You’ve been a great friend and good sounding board! Here’s to 50 more!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hope to talk to you soon! Enjoy, you deserve it!

Jane Sigler

Jeff, I want you to know I would never forget your birthday. I so wanted to send a special wish to you. I was happy to see the e-mail from Jenny and immediately started to think about all the wonderful things I would write.

Unfortunately, my Mom's health deteriorated very fast from Easter Sunday to Wednesday April 7th and on this day she passed away. I just returned home today. Her funeral was yesterday.

I was thinking of you on Sunday and I hope you celebrated the BIG 5-0 in the most wonderful ways possible! I believe 50 is the new 40! You look fantastic! Definitely not over the hill! Jeff, you are a terrific friend! Happy Birthday and many, many more! By the way I will catch up to you next month.

Love you, XO

Janina Brauer

Back in 1975(I do believe) that was the year. Jeff and I hauled Drilling rig fluid mud for Leon Moore. Would you like to know what is really funny though? We could barely pick up those 100 lbs. bags! I also remember we were both in Leon’s New white Ford Pickup!!!! Where have the years gone??

Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!

Tom Dillon

Jeff Happy Birthday to you!! Today you hit the Jackpot! 50 Years... You only do it once so do it up great! Here is to the Next 50!!!

Happy Birthday Toooooooooo You!! And Many Many more to come!!

Gina Dillon

I am terrible at email and facebook, but not so much as to wish you a Happy Birthday on your 50th. Most of us are going down this year... the big 5-0.  I hope it is or was a good one!!

PS-JJ clued me on the day.

Larry Grosinger

Jeff, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sorry I haven't responded earlier, we were out of town watching the boys wrestle in Wright. Fifty isn't so old; they say it is the new thirty. Of course for some fifty is the new - OLDER THAN SHIT!!  I hope you have a good one. Spank yourself, you deserve it.

The three signs you are old.

1. You have more hair in your ears than on your head - you qualify
2. You drive around with a small dog on your lap. - You qualify
3. You feel very satisfied when you take a good CRAP. - keep this one to yourself, please.

Curt Chapman

Happy Birthday Jeff! Welcome to the club of weasened, I'm mean wisened men.

Larry Gonzales

Happy half a century, Jeff! Embrace it! It's awesome!!

Debra Jennings

Hey Jeff I am a little late on this wish but that's what happens when you turn 50, memory loss. Hope you had a great Birthday I wish you the best.

Linda Rodriguez Sweet

Happy Birthday, Jeff, to you and Marechal Jean Lannes. It may feel like taking Zaragoza this year with government gone wild, and the Denver Broncos gone child (coach wise) but you can get through the adversity and adversaries with courage and conviction.

Richard Gardner

Helpful tips for turning 50

- Never attempt bending down, except under strict medical supervision.

- Develop the power of a photographic memory, take photographs of everyone you need to remember.

- Use your ailing health to blackmail your children into doing all your gardening and housework.

- Avoid the company of young people they are a sad reminder of your long lost youth.

- Keep a diary, it will be a great source of comfort and a handy reminder of what you did yesterday.

- Cultivate friendships with people much older than yourself. This will make you feel so much younger.

- Finding your false teeth can be difficult when you mislay your spectacles. Always keep these vital items attached to you by pieces of string.

- No one will ever notice your frightful wrinkles if you only go out when it's dark.

- Modern science enables even fifty year olds to have the youthful looks of a teenager a simple head transplant is all it takes.

- Take the strain off your tired out memory by labeling all household objects, bed, fridge, television etc.

- Save all hairs that come loose when you brush your hair, one day medical science may develop a means of replanting them.

- Try to enjoy your fifties as much as is possible, after all the horrendous sixties are looming.

There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning. I'm adding a fourth, sleeping. It don't rhyme but it's important. Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!

Kane Charlson

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