Monday, March 22, 2010

Passage of Obamacare, a Sad Day for America

Last night I watched CSPAN with sadness, disappointment, contempt and anger as the House passed the National Healthcare Bill. Somehow I believed that some of the moderate Democrats would grow a pair and it wouldn’t pass but to no avail. Democrats in this Congress have proven time and again they can be bought off, bribed or coerced into anything the Messiah wants or believes is best for us.

I can’t think of a time in my 50 years where I have ever been more frustrated with my government and my country as I am today. My generation has went through Vietnam, Watergate, the Carter years, Slick Willie, the Wall Street Collapse, the George W. bank and auto bailouts, the Climategate fraud and now this disaster. The majority of Americans overwhelmingly said NO to this monstrosity but it fell on the deaf ear of the jackasses in DC.

This Health Care Bill tops all the other government scandals combined times 10. Why oh why would we actually believe or trust the incompetents in Washington to control the single biggest personal right and choice we have as Americans? Does anyone actually believe this isn’t going to cost us a truck load of money and gives us less freedom or personal choices for Health Care?

No need to look farther than Social Security, Medicaid or Medicare to find the answer which isn’t even addressed in this bill. All have billions and billions in unfunded liabilities but Democrats say trust us, this $1 trillion dollar program will be different, its budget neutral, won’t cost us a thing and will in fact reduce the deficit? Really? What new math are they using?

This massive Socialist Health Care Bill aka Ponzi scheme makes the Bernie Madoff Wall Street rip off look like a $20 7/11 Three Stooges robbery gone wrong.

It’s hard to comprehend how most sensible and reasonable people on either side would not be absolutely outraged by this unprecedented power grab. Either people are hopelessly ignorant to the facts and past history or don’t have a grasp of basic economics or are just so beaten down and apathetic they don’t give a damn. Maybe it’s combination of all of the above.

Reform is what was needed not another centralized government bureaucracy to rob the honest hard working taxpayers. Did you know that 43% of Americans do not pay a single penny in federal income tax? So that means 43% have no vested interest or outrage in having 30% to 50% of their paychecks sucked away in Federal, State, Local, Property or Capital Gains taxes. They of course love this bill because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Unfortunately the taxpayers will take another hard kick in the gonads while they reap the benefits of our blood, sweat and tears while they sacrifice nothing.

This isn’t about being compassionate and greedy we all want people to get the healthcare they need but the uninsured also need to understand that nothing in this life is free and someone somewhere will have to pick up the tab.

The United States is the greatest country on earth because you have the right and individual freedom to go as far as your will and talent will take you. The dangerous road our so called Congressional Representatives went down yesterday puts us ever closer to the cliff of a hard Socialism.

The sad thing Obama is just getting started, next up is Immigration Reform, Cap & Trade, and a VAT (Value Added Tax). If the Democrats can get Immigration rammed through before November they’ll add millions of undocumented workers to their side come election time.

The only way to stop this is by going to the voting booth in November. Register today and get involved by helping and contributing to the candidates who want to put the brakes on this never ending Washington spending bender.

Prayer wouldn’t hurt either, God help us fight a peaceful civil rebellion and get our country back.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Green before, White After...I Love the Spring


What a beautiful day it was yesterday here in Astoria. It was sunny and we got up to a high of 64. It was the perfect day for outside house and yard work. We removed all the bushes and shrubs we had near the house and transplanted them in other locations in our yard. The bushes were so root bound we had to remove them because they were compromising the foundation of the house. Eventually we plan to put new flowers and ornamentals in the front.

Bleach is a miracle product. With about 5 hours of elbow grease and a scrub brush I was able to transform a green, moldy house to a pristine, white house. I'm so happy with the results; it literally looks like the house received a new paint job. Unfortunately, today I’m paying for it physically. I used muscles I never knew I had and I’m sore, but it sure was worth it.

We finished off the day barbequing some rib-eye steaks on the new grill we bought last weekend and enjoyed a great bottle of Old Vine Zinfandel to boot. I love spring; its great the weather is starting to warm up here and every day that isn’t cloudy and rainy is a good day. You really learn to appreciate every sunny day when you live in the NW.

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