Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bad News breeds Bad Vibs

Since I keep Vampire hours at work my dinner hour usually ends up being between 8:30 pm and 9:00 pm. Since I've had a self imposed ban on ANY network news on TV since after the 2012 elections I get my daily dose via the web from various sites while I set down to eat dinner in PDX.

I scan various stories on a half dozen or so websites for my daily national news fix. I spent about 25 to 30 minutes reading the headlines and stories then I've had enough and go back to work.

Tonight was different. I went to the Drudge website tonight and all I had to do was read the headlines on his page to get thoroughly angry and completely disgusted.

I read through a couple of the stories and pulled myself away from my daily news fix early because I just couldn't take the numerous headlines that touched on almost every negative political topic you could image.

This has nothing to do with the Drudge website by the way, you could find the same stories on any number of news websites. It had more to do with the news itself.

I can't think of night recently where I felt more separated and completely at odds with the people in our government that clearly are leading us all down a path of self destruction than at this moment. It wasn't just the dirty politics that got under my skin it was also the outrageous social chaos on the page that really disturbed me too. I really feel our leaders and to many of citizens today lack any kind of moral or spiritual compass whatsoever. 

Our nation is unraveling at an unbelievable pace and after looking at the Drudge site tonight it's one of those times when I wonder how we can survive what is being thrown in our faces daily and thrive as a free and prosperous nation. I honestly believe a citizens revolt isn't an impossibility in the near future if we continue down this path.

I tell myself that I can only control what goes on inside my own little hula hoop and that the rest of what happens outside it belongs to God. I believe in a Higher Power and I know he has a plan for me just as he does everyone else but I read the headlines tonight and wonder how much we good people can take before we break?

Ignorance is common and rampant but it's the numbness, the blind apathy and self centered attitude by to many people that terrifies me. 

It isn't just the career bureaucrats in DC that don't represent me nor respect me that's upsetting there's also a group of my fellow citizens that truly believe they have every right to take my money and property away from me because they think I or the federal government owes them something.

God help me overcome my fear, anger and disgust. Please God help my nation overcome this crisis of courage and honesty and bring the light of love, liberty and freedom to all us. We need you now more than every, I have to trust that your will, will be done. It's the only remedy, the only answer, the final solution.

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