Thursday, July 21, 2011

NPR "IS NOT" the way to start your day…

Every morning when I come home from work I tune in to NPR because it's the clearest FM radio station for morning news here. I more often than not have to quickly turn it off because their reporting is so biased and partisan it ticks me off to no end. Today was no expectation; it was a report first on how the GOP candidates for Pres had abandoned Cap & Trade (C&T) and Global Warming (GW) and second how all us doubters are morons for not buying it.

First they jumped on Romney, Pawlenty, Huntsman and even RINO McCain who's not even running for reversing their opinions on C&T and GW. Honestly I could care less that any of them have had a change of heart. Even if one of them gets in the White House and flip flop's back in favor of it, the congress and the voters will have none of it so it's academic.

Still NPR had to get their jabs in about how the GOP field is going right on these issues. Those potshots didn't bother me as much but the second report spent a great deal of time attempting to convince all us non-believers that we're uneducated idiots or misinformed about the science of GW. In the report they said and I'm paraphrasing now, "97% of scientists and scientists associations all agreed that GW is man made and that something must be done to curb it."

Now I've read many reports to the contrary, 97% is an inflated figured. The number is actually close to 50% to 60% of the scientists who actually have academic backgrounds in Meteorology who buy manmade climate change.

If you follow my page I've posted numerous studies and links from all over the world of scientists who claim the whole man made climate change issue is a farce and a fraud. The science isn't there to support it and the science these so called "experts" have used is data that has been reported to be falsified and compromised to convince all us "non-believers" that it is fact.

Now to get back to my original rant which is on NPR, once the White House and the Senate hopefully fall into the hands of the GOP in 2012 one of the first steps that must be taken is to defund NPR.

NPR clearly is not non-partisan in its reporting and never has been. Some would say it's a miniscule amount of money that is being used from the federal budget to fund NPR so why bother? It's the principle more than the money. Why should a single cent of the money I pay in taxes go to a mouth piece for every left wing cause there is that I'm strongly against? It has to stop NOW!! Too many brainless drones on the left follow the drivel on NPR and shallow it whole and NPR shouldn't be able to claim their some objective 3rd party.

As a consequence we have to battle even more of these 1960's Mother Gaya Eco-Marxists who want to finish off this country and this economy with this unproven crappola. We have to start back on the road to some sensible and realistic national energy policy that isn't going to throw us back to the Stone Age. Every day that NPR and their loyal Tree Hugging followers bang their drums and the EPA and the Obama Administration with their unelected Czars enforcing destructive environmental laws by executive fiat the country gets one step closer to a complete collapse.

NPR has "National" in its title but by no means is their reporting suited to a broad National audience. Let the rich and shameless left wing limousine liberals fund NPR on their dime and not mine. Those that feel as I do please keep writing your elected representatives so when the opportunity presents itself in 2012 we can finally at long last put an end to taxpayer funding of NPR.

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