Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why are we still debating Global Warming?

When are we going to put a stop to letting the Greenies destroy our economy and our national security with this insane climate change hoax?

It drives me berserk that the EPA and Obama have no problem with us paying $100 a barrel for imported oil from the Venezuelans, the Saudis', the Russians, the Iranians and even the United Arab Emirates whose rear ends we saved in the first gulf war. Especially since we have abundant supplies of cheap oil, natural gas and coal right in our own backyard.

We must end the drilling bans in Alaska and offshore. We need to let the coal industry continue to mine to help provide inexpensive electricity. We must also refine more of our own natural gas. Every resource should be used until the day the alternative energy sources make economic sense. Right now all this wind, solar and bio-fuel shame can produce is maybe 10% of our total energy needs. The bio-fuel fiasco is doing more to spurn food shortages than producing cheap energy. And how well is solar and wind energy going to work in Astoria? Answer: it isn’t.

What do we do starve ourselves of cheap oil to make a point? What is the point? Do we go back to horse and buggy, walk or ride bikes until the miracle renewable energy source is fully developed? Answer: No.

Fossil Fuels are still the most inexpensive energy source in the world and by not exploring domestically we are committing national suicide.

We risk an economic and as well as a national security collapse by being dependent on the people who would love more than anything to see us go totally bankrupt all in the name of worshiping Mother Gaya. They must be laughing their collective butts off at us.

Why are we still debating Global Warming/Climate Change? The science used to say it was legitimate has proven to be nothing but fraudulent junk science. Americans need to shake this nonsense out their heads so our nation can recover, prosper, be less dependent and more secure. That is all!

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