Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Could Drudge have stopped Trump?

Please click on the link before reading my analysis regarding it. If you don’t you won’t be able to understand the context of the point I’m making and it won’t make much sense to you.

This is a very interesting article and it’s partially true, it would have been very difficult for Trump to win the nomination without the Drudge push. It didn’t help that the main stream media followed Trump around like puppy dogs broadcasting his every word, giving him almost daily interviews along with dissecting his outrageous reality TV comments. Drudge may have been able to stop the bleeding but he chose not to.

The main stream media gave Trump free press from the start of the primary season because in my opinion they always wanted him as the nominee from the beginning because they believed that he would be easy prey in the general election. They undeniably used him for ratings and give him a microphone while pretending to be his best friend and ignored the other candidates intentionally knowing full well that once he won the nomination they would go into full attack mode. It’s happening now.

I tried repeatedly to tell my Oregon Republican friends and anyone else that would listen to me at the beginning of the primary season that supporting Trump was a terrible mistake but not many of them listened to me.

Instead they and many other angry and disillusioned Republicans that were sick of the RINO’s and the GOP leadership in Washington voted for Trump in protest not really because they liked him but as a way to express their anger and frustration by voting for someone outside the establishment. I completely understand the anger, I feel the same way, anger is a good thing, we should be very angry but if it’s not directed in the right way it could be disastrous and back fire. We have to pray it isn’t case with Trump because Republicans know what a nightmare a Hillary Presidency will be. 

As far as Drudge is concerned there's no denying he plays a major role in Republican politics. I believe in this election cycle that Drudge did make up his mind early and wanted Trump as the nominee. Many of his posts were Pro-Trump and he went after the other candidates with negative stories but for the most part it was Cruz since he was the last real threat to Trump. For his reasons alone and I don’t know what they were he didn’t want Cruz to be the nominee.

Drudge's influence can't be under estimated, millions of Republicans go to his website every day. When the world of the internet first started the Drudge website was the undisputed king of conservative journalism and to many he still is. More Republicans go to his website first for news than any other website to this day. I was no different at one time, my first click of the day always started at his site but since 2011 I’ve looked to other websites for sources of news and opinion.

When Drudge first launched his website the rest of media considered him a hack and didn’t take him seriously as an objective journalist. In the early days he was respected as an anti-establishment reporter that was right of center but since the George W. Bush years in my view he’s swung more to the center and in some instances left of center in his reporting especially when it comes to Presidential elections.

His establishment leanings began to come through in 2011 when he was an avid supporter of Mitt Romney. At the time I just couldn’t understand and still don’t why he supported him in the primaries when he knew that he was not a true Conservative Republican. At that point I started to distrust Drudge and today I don’t consider him the ultimate go to guy or authority on Conservative politics.

I do still visit the Drudge website because his relentless attacks on Liberals is never in question but since he made the decision in 2011 to support Romney and now Trump this election cycle his personal judgment can’t be trusted if you call yourself a true Conservative.

The lesson to be learned here is that Conservatives must seek out other internet websites or radio commentators like Mark Levin to get information and opinion. Drudge just like Fox News have their own agendas and many times they don’t fall into line with Conservative ideology. Drudge is not solely responsible for the rise of Trump, the rest of liberal media and angry voters contributed as well however it’s never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket.

I know Fox News is the only mainstream media source that doesn’t promote Liberalism but it certainly isn’t always promoting Conservatism either. If you depend solely on Fox News and loud mouth bullies like Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity as orbiters of true Conservatism you are being horribly deceived. They are others you just have to seek them out.

Instead of watching Fox or clicking on Drudge try these websites instead and get a different prospective. I like the Conservative Review, Free Republic, Breitbart, News Busters, CNS News,World Net Daily and Western Journalism among others. The King of Conservatives in all of the media is Mark Levin. Listen to just 1 or 2 of his shows and you’ll be convinced.

Click on the link below for the list of top 100 Conservative websites according to Red Flag.

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