Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Demonization of Conservatives

I’m sick and tired of Conservatives being demonized in the media. I consider myself a compassionate "Fiscal Conservative" who believes in helping others. I spent 15 years in a community service organization raising money for all sorts of charities. In a 5 year period I chaired projects that help raise $23,000 for people afflicted with MS. In a 5 year period back in the 80's I chaired projects that raised close to $4,000 for MDA. I've assisted with other projects that raised money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital, the Ronald McDonald House, and a specialized care facility that cares for children dying of aids. This doesn't include some of the local charities I've been involved with which is another long list, like Toys for Tots, Thanksgiving Food Baskets among many others.

I give you this abbreviated list not to toot my own horn but to prove that I've put my time and effort into helping others and been a person of action.

So please don't generalize and put me and others like me in some box where we don't belong, I'm not some heartless human being that doesn't care about others when there is a sincere and earnest need.

All that said I'm as hardcore a Fiscal Conservative as you can get. I can tell you what is not an "unreasonable" thing to expect of our citizens and our government, it’s a very simple concept.

If you are between the ages of 18 and 63 and are of sound mental and physical health you should be able to provide for yourself. As a taxpayer giving almost 50% of what I earn to the government I should have the right to question where and how that money is being spent.

Helping the truly needy, children and senior citizens is something we must do as a civilized society. Laying out a red carpet for people who could and should be doing it for themselves is a totally different matter. That's where things have become horribly unbalanced. We cannot and will not survive this kind of non-accountability. Everyone needs help now and then I understand that. People make mistakes and need assistance but we can't keep rewarding people who could be contributing something to their own welfare. Writing blank checks to this group can't go on.

This goes for corporate welfare and government subsidized business as well. It should not be the governments or the taxpayer’s job to subsidize any individual or business. Higher education is one of investments we should subsidize but only if the receiver of said money understands that it is a loan and that like all loans it comes with accountability and payback.

Long before the modern welfare system families had the individual responsibility to take care of their own children and their aged parents. If they needed help Churches, private and public civic organizations helped them as well. This is what we should return to. Not a giant bloated federal bureaucracy that is wasting billions taking it from the producers and giving to the takers who have no stake or consequences attached to it.

Yes, we should help children under 18 with health care if certain conditions are met. Yes, we most certainly must take care of the people who are seniors and need assistance. Yes, we need to help people who are physically and mentally handicapped. I can't believe any "reasonable" person no matter what their political views are would disagree with this kind of taxpayer assistance.

However, we're all fooling ourselves if we believe they are no more sacred cows and that we can keep borrowing and printing money forever. Every single federal agency is wasting billions. It’s beyond our small minds to comprehend the mammoth waste and they must start taking some personal and financial responsibility and accountability.

This includes welfare or entitlements whatever term you choose to us.

The longer we’re in denial about the spending and debt problem and the longer nothing is done to correct it the worst the consequences are going to be for everyone. We're pawning this off on our children and grandchildren and one day soon if nothing changes we're headed for a complete financial collapse and they'll be the ones trying to pick up the pieces.

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