Isn’t it incredible that impeachment proceedings haven’t
begun for President Obama? I know the Democrats will have none of it and the
Republicans don’t have the moral courage in an election year to launch
impeachment but instead file a toothless lawsuit? The main stream media is in bed with him certainly
isn’t proposing it and worships him but party politics aside enough is enough.
The list of lawlessness goes on and on. He makes Nixon, Clinton and George W.
look like Eagle Scouts.
It’s becoming impossible to keep track of the almost daily malfeasance. The IRS targeting Obama’s enemies and deleting emails, the unbelievable hostage trade, the disgraceful lack of treatment for our warriors at Veteran’s Hospital’s, then there’s the ineptitude and inaction in Iraq and the pending military, political, social and economic disaster for the entire Middle East region that is sure to follow as a result.
Then there’s the old scandals the liberal media has purposely chosen not to investigate like the Benghazi cover up that helped him win reelection in 2012, the Justice Department digging into Associated Press phone records to uncover leaks and the notorious ATF Fast and Furious debacle. If nothing else, Eric Holder the top Law Enforcement official in the US government should have been impeached for committing perjury trying to cover up his and undoubtedly Obama’s involvement in Fast and Furious.
This list alone would have been enough for the liberal media to be clamoring 24/7 to crucify any Republican President in the Oval Office but not the untouchable Barrack Obama. Remove this list and there’s still an older one of foreign policy and domestic failures that would have been grounds for at least firing him and it goes clear back to 2009, instead he gets reelected thanks to the denial of uninformed Democrats and his adoring media.
If you exclude Obamacare his newest catastrophe and possibly his worst, which is of his own creation by the way, is the appalling humanitarian crisis on the border. His statement, “I have a phone and a pen and plan to use it” (To bypass Congress) was all the people from Mexico and Central America needed to hear. It was clearly an invitation to more desperate illegal’s to cross the border and to force the hand of the Republicans to come to the table this year on an Amnesty Bill.

Recently he proposed a $3.76 billion emergency appropriations bill to help house and feed the illegal immigrants and 52,000 unoccupied minors that have flooded over the border mostly for Central America. It’s disguised as humanitarianism but it’s really about is trying to run some interference in the main stream media. He has the lowest approval rating poll numbers of any serving President in history and has limited political capitol or credibility left.
All he can hope to do in the next several months is execute the bait and switch game with the immigration (Amnesty) fiasco and blame Republicans in this election cycle. It’s no accident; it’s clearly an act of desperation, he’s aware the Democrats more than likely will lose the majority in the US Senate.
The appropriations bill like most the President has proposed has some additions attached to it to put the Republicans in a box. It includes more money for highway infrastructure and money to fight wildfires. Instead of proposing a stand only bill to deal with the short term border crisis he and the Democrats toss this in the salad to make the Republicans look heartless if they don’t support it. Only 5% of the bill deals with additional border enforcement, again not accidental. Blank taxpayer checks are always the answer for Democrats.
I’m so disgusted with Obama, both of the political parties, the media and the apathetic and ignorant American citizens. When are we going to start demanding lawful, moral and ethical accountability from our top government officials of both parties again, especially the President? When are we going to return to a nation of laws and not of men?
Since we hired them we can fire them if they’re not representing us by using the voting booth. Today we must call or write our elected officials in Congress and demand accountability, if enough yell they will start listening.
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