Though I could have used some more sleep I lifted my sorry old carcass out of bed, made some coffee, checked my fantasy lineups, and then turned on the TV to watch the NFL pregame shows.
As soon as I turned on the TV which was around 8:30 a.m., I got the dreaded news all DirecTV Fans hate to see on their TV screens, NO SIGNAL! I knew immediately it was because of the very strong winds and the rain blowing sideways that assisted in the moving of my dish. I stepped outside to go check and see if my dish was still even upright. My dish is mounted to a wooden pole on the windward side of my house so when I made my way through the wind and rain I could see the dish wiggle ever so slightly against what was truly a Gail force wind.
It didn’t help either that I have one of the new HD dishes which are much bigger and have a bigger surface area than the old DirecTV dishes. I said a few choice four letter words and come back inside to get out of the weather and thought, “Well, I’m screwed.”
The wind had been strong enough to move my pole even though it was reinforced with concrete. I knew that any hope of watching the Broncos game was out. None of the Sunday Ticket channels came in including NFL Network or ESPN.
Around 1:30 after I had sat in front of the TV crossing my fingers hoping the wind would stop I said one or two more choice four lettered words and said to myself that it’s just not going to happen. For the record this is first Broncos game I haven’t seen for so long I can’t even remember. Back to the late 70’s I think.
As it turned out I spent a nice day with the wife. When she got up late yesterday afternoon, we decided to go out and have Mexican food and then go buy a Christmas tree and put up the decorations.
We didn’t get started on the tree around 9 p.m. Putting up decorations is no small job; Jenny over the years has collected more trinkets than 3 families. All together we have 6 large plastic tubs and 3 or 4 cardboard boxes of decorations to put up.
It took us until around 4 a.m. this morning (7 hours) to get it all in place. I have mixed feelings about Christmas for a lot of reasons but Jenny’s personality always makes whatever we do fun so I got into the Xmas spirit as we worked to get it done. Our new house looks very beautiful and it ended up being a fun day with Jenny.
So now to the unseen Cardinals game…
As it turned out I didn't miss much but just another crappy performance. I said in a post on the Denver Post message board yesterday before the game that if the Broncos probably wouldn’t win the game if they couldn’t stop the run. They couldn’t and the Cardinals Beanie Wells rushed for 148 yards and 2 TD’s. The Broncos D is in total shambles as if we needed another game to understand that right?
That and the dismal O is just as bad maybe worse. Orton did start the game and aren’t we glad, he had 3 INT’s and passed 168 yards. Wow! And he’s the best QB that gives the Broncos the best chance to win? Really? I know the O line has had problems and it doesn’t help that Rookies are staring but the Broncos could only generated 288 yards of total offense against one of the worst D’s in the league? Come on! How low do we have to sink?
Tebow should have opportunity to start the last 3 games of the season. Studsville is playing for a job so he’s convinced himself Orton will give them the best chance. I don’t buy it.
What Tebow lacks in experience, he more than makes up for with his physical tools. I can’t believe that Bowlen wouldn’t pressure Studs and make him start Tebow in at least one game before the end of the season. Tebow’s held a clipboard long enough, START HIM NEXT WEEK!
I just talked to the Direct TV guy he’ll be here Thursday to so I can watch the Broncos get swept by the crappy Raiders next week. The Football God’s had my best interest in mind this week but my love/hate relationship with the Broncos will be set to be continued next week. Maybe there will be another wind storm.
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