Walmart CEO Pay: More in an Hour Than Workers Get All Year?
Here’s a small excerpt:

Someone please explain to me why this is a bad thing? No one
seems to bitch about what Bill Gates makes or what Steve Jobs made. Please, for those
of you that hate big corporations if you must single out Wal-Mart then you must hate
them all.
People want to bash Wal-Mart but the fact is they are one of
the very few successful businesses left in the US that offers a large variety
of good products at a reduced price, they actually make a profit and lastly
they return money to their shareholders. This is the American way and free
enterprise at its best. If the unions take over Wal-Mart say goodbye to the
last great discount store in America.
As for those who complain that Wal-Mart destroys small
business in small towns you have to be from a large union metro area like Chicago
to even make such a claim. Why? Because in a metro area you have a million choices
and stiff competition thus keeping prices down.
Growing up in good old small town America I lived with the
local merchants shoddy products and inflated prices on goods and services. A
good business can and will succeed in a small town if they have the right niche
and the right price. If they can’t compete then they should get into a business
that can make money in a small town. For the food and clothing business the
days of the Mom and Pop store is over in small town America and in my humble
opinion this isn't a bad thing at all. I say, bring on Wal-Mart!
Also...Wal-Mart is not forcing a single employee to stay and
make lower wages. Wal-Mart is not meant to be a career job for some people,
it's a starter job. Those that do stay with Wal-Mart have to work their way up
the ladder with hard work and commitment. This is how it should be, not just at
Wal-Mart but with any business. The bottom line; it is a job and in this
terrible economy any job is a good job if you’re an independent bootstraps kind
of person who seeks to pull your own weight.
Most of us can’t get these cushy union grocery store jobs
where people make $15 to $25 an hour/w benefits wrangling shopping carts. Meanwhile
the price of their food is so unbelievably expensive you can barely begin to
afford it. But hey, no worries, at least you’re supporting some overpaid
uneducated unmotivated flunky to push shopping carts around right?
The reality is people who drop out of HS or who only have HS
diplomas shouldn’t expect to walk into a job and make the big money immediately.
No one is entitled to a thing in this world; it takes hard work to advance
and must be earned.
I buy stuff at Wal-Mart all the time in Longview, WA and Woodland, WA. Why? Because the Fred Meyer store here is an overpriced joke
with mostly unhappy employees who could give a damn about customer service.
We have a new Costco here but just like every other Costco
the only thing I like about them is the price and quality of their meat. The
rest of their bulky products are way overpriced if you took the time to compare
them to Wal-Mart.
The Safeway in Astoria has friendly employees but still
their prices are too high for a small mostly blue collar town which Astoria is.
Soon we’ll get a Super Wal-Mart here in Astoria and I can’t
wait. I support Wal-Mart in big metro areas and especially in small town rural
America. I have absolutely no shame or guilt whatsoever when I shop at
Wal-Mart. Furthermore, I will never apologize to anyone for wanting to save
the money that I have honestly earned and worked hard for.
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