Monday, May 15, 2017

Man-Made Climate Change, Energy and Economics

More Americans must become better educated and have stronger opinions on man-made climate change, energy and the economics of both because it could be the 3 issues that bring the US to its knees if we don’t bring honest debate, common sense and facts back into the discussion.

We should push for renewable energy, it will advance but even then, it still has to make economic sense. The taxpayers should not be on the hook for billions and trillions of dollars’ in subsidies if the technology is completely unaffordable, non-reliable nor practical to use. We should be all for private investment in renewables but not for giving massive subsidies to prop up the research surrounding it.

It's a fact that the renewables, no matter what the scenario, isn’t a one size fits all solution. It’s a complete fantasy to believe they alone can replace fossil fuel. The one that makes the most sense is nuclear if people could get over their fears about it. Fantastic research is being done today to make nuclear energy safe but you don’t hear about it because to many environmentalists reject it outright.

Given that then we have to explore for oil, natural gas and coal to keep our lights, heat, air conditioning, agriculture and manufacturing industries going. They’re all finite resources of course and hopefully someday the science, the economics and the wide spread use of renewables will be more readily available and reliable. But we can’t commit economy suicide based on a theory today, and it is a theory that man has and will continue to destroy Mother Gaia, if we use fossil fuels. It’s not a factual argument.

We’ve made great strides on environmental protection but the scales have swung too far the other way with the spending and regulatory side. In the beginning the EPA did help create reasonable protections for air and water quality. The gasoline powered cars today burn very clean fuel and emit half the amount of carbon monoxide as they once did and we can thank the EPA for leading the way on that one issue. The air quality in major cities has vastly improved as a result. 

 Air Quality vs Pollution 

The problem is to many people believe man-made climate change and bad air quality are one in the same. They are two completely different subjects and are not connected. carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are 2 different gases, you’d be amazed how many don’t know the difference. 

One thing is a factual certainty carbon dioxide (CO2) is NOT a pollutant and the global warming debate has nothing to do with pollution. The average person has been misled and is confused about what the current global warming debate is about which is greenhouse gases. None of which has anything to do with air pollution.

People are confusing smog, carbon monoxide (CO) and the pollutants in car exhaust with the life supporting, essential trace gas in our atmosphere carbon dioxide, (CO2). Real air pollution is already regulated under the 1970's Clean Air Act and regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) will do absolutely nothing to make the air we all breath "cleaner".

They are also misled to believe that (CO2) is polluting the oceans through acidification but there is nothing unnatural or unprecedented about current measurements of ocean water pH and a future rise in CO2 will likely yield growth benefits to corals and other sea life.

CO2 is in our every breath, in the carbonated sodas and waters that we drink and in the dry ice that helps us keep our food cold and safe. We breathe in 400 parts per million and then exhale 40,000 parts per million with no ill effects.

We breathe the 40,000 ppm into victims needing CPR and it does not cause them to die! 

The monitoring systems in U.S. submarines do not provide an alert until CO2 levels reach 8,000 ppm which is higher that natural CO2 levels have been on Earth in the last 540 million years.

CO2 is a great airborne fertilizer which, as its concentrations rise, causes additional plant growth and causes plants to need less water. Without CO2, there would be no life (food) on Earth. The 120 ppm of CO2 added to the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution has caused an average increase in worldwide plant growth of over 12 percent and of 18 percent for trees.

There is not a single instance of CO2 being a pollutant. Ask any chemistry professor. The only thing being polluted is young minds and useful idiots.

Endless Government Subsides

As of 2015 Elon Musk had received government checks totaling $5 billion dollars, it’s chump change compared to the unicorn budget that the lunatic Gore wants to wallow in but he still hasn’t delivered a reasonably priced car for working families.

Al Gore recently said $15 trillion dollars in investment are needed to keep the earth from spinning into global apocalypse. Of course, $9 trillion of that amount would fund companies he has financial interests in.

The Math Matters

My question is where does that money come from, the US government by way of the taxpayers? Do we borrow more money from China? Is doubling our national debt a wise investment considering the science is far from conclusive that man is dramatically effecting climate? Should we be investing billions more on solar and wind when it’s a mathematical and scientific fact they can’t possibly meet are energy needs in the best of scenarios?

The future of the our freedom and its continued existence depend on a sound energy policy, ‘reasonable environmental regulation’ and practicing far better economics at every level of government. Common sense must win the day, not extremism based on an unproven theory.

There is an ideological war going on about social and economic issues but we should all be on the side of freedom and common sense. We just can’t afford to be narrow minded or our country could easily slip into an epic economic collapse. And instead of living in a free and thriving capitalist society we’ll revert to a third world country and economy with the social order swirling into complete chaos.

I doubt believers will read many of the links I've posted if any because there’s a massive amount of data here and it contradicts their opinions. It’s much easier to deny opposing data and not consider any argument that questions the conventional wisdom.

This is the problem we face, hard-core extremists live in an echo chamber and have tried to shut down any debate or research that doesn’t agree with their vision of utopia. I hope more reasonable people are willing to accept that there are other views and they are good arguments to be made to not march in lock step.

Reasonable discussion about energy, economics and the climate change theory has to return to the forefront or I’m fearful a civil war is a real possibility in the future.  Set aside the social differences because these 3 issues may will be the tipping point to our destruction.

Below are some links to support my opinion. 

This video has been out since 2012 but not many made-man climate change believers have watched it.

I’ve included this link because the research dollars play a huge role in determining the kind of research being done by scientists and universities on climate change. They have a vested interested in perpetuating the man-made climate change theory for that reason alone, this can’t be denied.

Renewable solar and electric car subsidies cost taxpayers billions.

The wind energy myth.

This documentary is dated but still holds true today.

By many estimates America has at least 300 to 600 years of oil and natural gas reserves The national security issue regarding energy is addressed here. This article and the information there in makes us far more secure than depending on solar or wind.

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