Orton, Stanton, Sanchez, Bridgewater, Hill, Carr, Bortles, Mallet, Mettenberger and McCown all starting QB's today in the NFL. And yet Tim Tebow doesn't have a job. Are you kidding me?
It's unbelievable that to this day Tebow never got a chance to prove he could be a starting NFL QB.
Tebow is equal to or better than any of these bums starting today. He's got 10 times the heart of any of these rejects and when he played he proved he could win games.
If I was the owner of any of these teams I'd sign him in a heartbeat. I'm still ticked how Tebow got shafted in Denver and I don't give a damn if Broncos Fans don't like what I say. All the talking heads said he wasn't a good enough passer, well that's because the Coaches he played for never gave him enough reps to become one.
Recently they had a show on the NFL Network called, "The Top 10 QB Teases." Tebow was 6th on the list when he doesn't even belong on it. It was just another opportunity for all of his haters to dog pile on him again.
Tebow was no tease, he took over a crappy Broncos team and led them to a playoff win. And after that he never got a chance to be a full time starter for any team. The Jets were a horrible place to land and Ryan only signed him to motivate Sanchez and we all saw how that worked out.
Tim if you read this I'm so sorry the Broncos let you go and I'm still furious that the NFL blackballed you. You should be starting for one of these teams today.
When Manning retires I may be able to let part of my grudge go but in my opinion no other player in NFL history deserved a chance to prove himself than you. God Bless you, I respect and admire you and it's a down right dirty shame you're not playing today.