This election cycle we have way better candidates to chose
for Governor, US Senator, the US House and for the Oregon House. Below are my
personal endorsements.
Gordon Challstrom will make a fantastic Governor and he's far
more articulate and Conservative than the goofy RINO and former NBA basketball
player who nearly defeated Kitzhaber in the last election cycle.
Jo Rae Perkins really impressed me at the Northwest
Conservatives Dinner. She's a non-apologetic Conservative and maybe the best
candidate running for any of the contested seats.
Jason Yates has insisted that he’ll be a staunch Fiscal
Conservative if elected and Rick Rose will certainly be a better choice than
If we want change and we certainly need it, we need to vote
and turn right before the liberal left finally destroys us socially and economically.
So Oregonians get your ballots turned in before the May 20 deadline and let’s
clean house.
Gordon Challstrom (Republican)
Oregon Governor
Jo Rae Perkins (Republican)
US Senate
Jason Yates (Republican)
US House
Rick Rose (Republican)
Oregon House 32nd District