The thing that gets me to become instantly reactionary is when I get questioned about my fandom by fan's who think that being a loyal fan means not critiquing the games, the team or individual players. Most of the hard core football fans I know would give up the game all together if they couldn’t cuss and discuss the game.
I take the Broncos games seriously, I take winning seriously. When my team goes to the Super Bowl and loses I take it very seriously. It took 15 years for us to get back to this game and it could be 15 or more before we get back again who knows for sure. So when my team loses the biggest game they’ve played for 15 years to a team they should at the very least given a competitive game to I get furious and have a right to do so.
One of the comments a fan to
remain nameless posted after reading my blog is this one. I have no animosity
towards her and I know she's a Diehard just like me but it stirred up
my emotions and it lead to an epic rant.
First here’s the fans comment:
Oh my goodness...the people who hurt the worst is the Denver
Bronco players. Being a fan and crying woe is me I am so hurt my team did not
win the Super Bowl is ok for like a day. After you lick your papercuts, you
might think about the sucking chest wounds the players are dealing with.
My response:
Here’s the thing, the fans DO support the players. The fans have made this game what it is today and made them all millionaires. Their feelings are hurt I know but without me and you and the others fans that are supporting the team there would be no team, there would be no NFL.
Manning is bummed he played a horrible game I know that but when he failed he has to accept the consequences of the fans anger and frustration. This is part of the game, he knows its part of the game. On Monday morning when he woke up he knew that he’ll be getting a $20 million dollar payday from the Broncos next season, wow poor Peyton. I can't say I really feel all that sorry for him since next season he'll earn more money in 1 year than any player in NFL History. He blew a perfect opportunity to pay back the fans for their support with a good game instead he tanks despite having a fantastic set of players around him on offense to get it done.
If I speak the truth about Manning does that mean I don’t support the TEAM?
When I have to pay $225 to get NFL Sunday Ticket because I’m not in the local Denver broadcast area I support the team. When I fly to Denver as I did a few years ago to see a Raiders game and it cost nearly $800.00 for the weekend I support the team. When I traveled to the Hall of Fame to see Elway get induced and it cost $2500 for the trip I support the team. When I buy a closet full Broncos clothes that hang in my closet and expensive memorabilia I support team. When I’ve seen every single game the Broncos have played on National TV since the mid-70’s or attended them at the stadium I support the team. When I give up time with my wife and kids every Sunday to watch the Broncos on TV I support the team. When I write a blog about the Broncos on the internet which I’ve done since 2005 I support the team.
So in my mind I have every freakin’ right to say how I feel about just how crappy a game the Super Bowl was and how I believe that Manning is a choke artist in the playoffs and I don’t believe he’ll ever win a SB that’s my right as a Diehard Fan. If you don’t like it and other fans don’t like it fine but don’t say I don’t support the team or that I’m less than a fan. This isn’t really directed at you but I can say in all honesty I’ve forgotten more about the Broncos, their history, their stats, their players, their coaches, their playoff games and Super Bowls than most will ever know.
To those that think the Broncos are going to march right back to the Super Bowl and win next season that’s great Positive Mental Attitude. But PMA isn’t going to win Super Bowls, its great teams, great coaches, great players and great individual leaders that win Super Bowls. Getting back to the SB won’t be that easy for this team. It’s already been announced that 16 players will be gone from the roster. That’s just the start. In my mind Manning should be one of them because he isn’t going to get it done.
The team was there this year but the QB was absent, next year in all likely hood the team won’t be as good as the one this year. I like any Broncos Fan hope for the best but I just don’t see it getting any better than it was this year to win a Super Bowl.