Thursday, June 28, 2012

Supreme Court Rules on Obamacare, American Taxpayers Lose

I pay almost $400 a month to cover myself with health insurance which I feel is my own responsibility. Now I'll have the great honor to be taxed some more for people who could and should be paying for their own. I understand helping kids, seniors, the disabled and veterans but paying a single cent for some able bodied person insurance’s is nothing but robbery.

Our federal government is quickly leading us down the path of economic suicide and taking our freedoms away from us one by one in the process. Now the main stream media who fully support Obama will use this victory as vindication for Obama and his Presidency. I don’t even have to turn on the news, I’m sure they’ve all but assured him a win. Romney needed this Supreme Court decision just as bad as we did. He’s in a horrible spot now and Obama will be able to say in every speech or debate that “Romneycare” was the model used for Obamacare.

After today’s final beat down on Romney, the GOP and hardworking taxpayers everywhere I hope a 3rd Party candidate runs for President. I’ve had it with the GOP. Romney’s chances of winning are slim and I’d rather vote for a candidate who’s a real Conservative. And NO it isn’t Ron Paul either. Paul is a moron. Maybe someone will step forward who I can vote for and feel as though I voted for real change but I have no idea who that person is because these politicians have no courage to stand up and fight for what they know in their heart is really right. At least I could say I did voice my opinion with my vote even though it’ll be in vain.

It’s a sad day, I pray for my country and my kids because our country is going right straight to hell and doing it in record time. And I personally feel totally hopeless and powerless to anything to help stop it.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hero and Mentor Rick Gutierrez dies at 56

Rick is the guy in the middle of the front row with the tie. 

I had a conversation with my Mother who lives in Powell, WY today and found out that a very dear friend died. Rick Gutierrez died on May 30, 2012 at the age of 56 at St. Vincent’s in Billings, MT.

I owe Rick an extreme debt of gratitude. In 1986 when I lived in Worland, WY Rick was President of the Worland Jaycees. After months and months of his badgering phone calls he convinced me and several others to join the Worland chapter in January of that year. In the beginning of my Jaycee career Rick was right there encouraging and supporting me every step of the way.

Joining the Jaycees was a real turning point in my life. I learned so many things in the Jaycees that sent me on a totally different life path. I learned how to be a better public speaker, how to manage projects and gain a ton of self confidence that translated to my personal and professional life. I could write an entire book on the tremendous impact the JC’s have had on so many areas of my life.

Rick with his Granddaughter. 

Less than 5 weeks ago I was in Powell to see my Mother who was ill and run into Rick at one of the local grocery stores. He looked great, I shook his hand when I saw him and thanked him for being so a good friend and being the man who led me to the Jaycees. He invited me for a get together while I was there but I told him since my Mom’s situation was so bad I couldn’t commit to seeing him. I told him the next time I came to Powell we’d get together and have a beer. And so it goes…

It came as a real shocker to hear this news today. Rick was only 56, way too young to be taken at such an early age. Rick was very well liked by many and was a real community service oriented person his whole life.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Laura his wife of 31 years and his children Chad, Mandy and Ryan. He’ll be missed; he was a fine man and good friend. God speed Rick and thank you so much for what you gave me, I’ll never forget it.

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