Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Santorum's Losses are Obama's Gains

I’m very disappointed that Santorum lost the Arizona primary; I knew it’d be close in Michigan and that hurt too. Some will say his appeals to Democrats in Michigan and his “Snob” comment about Obama hurt his chances which I don’t believe is true. Instead it was the main stream media that did everything possible to take those 2 issues and his one weak debate performance and say he was through. It must have worked because it convinced many t
o roll over and vote for Romney.

Still…I can’t believe for the life of me why Romney could win by such a large margin in a state that produced Barry Goldwater. What happened to the Conservatives in AZ? It’s beyond my understanding. Super Tuesday is the last stand for Santorum. The MSM will play up Romney’s wins yesterday and try to tell all us dummies that don’t support him that it’s a foregone conclusion that he’s going to be the nominee.

I pray that it isn’t. Romney is a very flawed candidate; it’s going to be extremely difficult for him to beat Obama in the general. Romneycare is his Achilles heel not to mention his previous stand on Global Warming. The Democrat Party, Obama, and the MSM will paint Romney as the very definition of a RINO, a Country Club Republican and Wall Street lackey. You can beat the Obama campaign will hammer that home the day Romney secures the nomination. I will of course vote for Romney if he wins the nomination because as much as I don't like him, nor fully trust him he’ll be an improvement over Obama.    

The other thing that gripes the ear wax out of me is that the moronic Ron Paul should have dropped out of the race after Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota primaries.

Instead he and his group of drones have basically killed any chance that Santorum or Gingrich would have had to win the nomination. Its incredibility frustrating that Paul and his over inflated ego couldn’t put his own party and the future of the country first. Paul is an idiot plain and simple and I’m glad his 8 year campaign for President is nearly over. I support some of the ideals the Libertarian Party believes in but Paul was not and is not the man to lead that effort. Maybe now the Libertarians will produce a younger more articulate candidate come the 2016 election cycle. If the right man or woman comes forward I wouldn’t have a problem considering them as a candidate.  

That said you can bet this won’t derail him or his blind followers who probably still believe he can win the nomination by voting for him on Super Tuesday. On the surface it would appear nothing could have stopped the loss in AZ for Santorum but if Paul and Gingrich had stepped aside before maybe just maybe Santorum would have had 2 wins yesterday.

Santorum with all of his flaws was the best candidate in the race this election cycle and it’s a crying shame that more moderate Republicans can’t understand that he would make a harder right turn when it comes to spending and downsizing the massive federal bureaucracy than any of the others in the race.

I fear that if Romney doesn’t win the Presidency that the Republican Party as we know it is finished. What will likely happen after the election is that a 3rd party will emerge because the GOP has failed big time at producing more fiscally conservative candidates. After Reagan’s second term there really has not been a single GOP candidate who can articulate the right message that could sway voters and help lead us back to fiscal sanity and smaller government.

Part of the reason for it is that Social Conservatives want abortion and gay rights to be front and center. I have mixed feelings about both but don’t want to go on a crusade to object to either today. I understand the moral dilemma but as a party the GOP should be focusing on reducing the size and scope of this bloated cow that is drowning us all in a massive crushing debt. It’s killing any chance for us to make an economic recovery. The Democrats in combination with the MSM have proven time again that they’ll use those social issues to scare away any Moderate Republicans, Independents or right of center Democrats that may have been willing to support a strong fiscally conservative Republican candidate for President.    

As it is for us hardcore Fiscal Conservatives we’ll have to let go and let God and hope that someday some way in 2016 we can get a handle on power and bring some fiscal security back to our bankrupt nation. Even if it means turning our allegiance over to a 3rd party.

Come on voters please get behind Santorum on Super Tuesday and let’s reverse course on this 3 year nightmare we’ve been living in. It’s not too late... please.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Santorum is still my pick the GOP Nominee

Having watched the Arizona Republican Presidential Debate last night I’m just as convinced now as I have been from the very beginning that Rick Santorum should our next President. If it’s not Santorum then my choices in order would be Gingrich, Romney and lastly the moronic simpleton Paul.

I know the talking heads in the media especially on CNN will say Santorum lost the debate or that Romney knocked him down a peg or two. That’s NOT the case at all, Santorum is still the most Conservative candidate in the race and it’s the media not Santorum himself that have painted him as this right wing religious fanatic on the social issues. Just because he’s a principled Christian that doesn’t believe in abortion of gay marriage in no way reflects what kind of a leader he’ll be as President. While I personally have mixed feelings about both of these issues Santorum comes closest to my views of any of the candidates.

Ronald Reagan and John F Kennedy held the same views on these social issues and no one seemed to think that would cloud their judgment when it came to leadership qualities. I’ve said this many times, just because Santorum comes down on these social issues in this way doesn’t mean that Roe vs. Wade is somehow going to be overturned; any reasonable thinking person just knows this is impossible. There’s a huge divide on this issue so I wish voters would get this idea out of their heads that somehow Santorum if elected is going to be able to dictate social policy in the White House, convince congress and the Supreme Court to go along with his religious beliefs. This WILL NOT happen so get over it and disagree with his economic ideas if you want but stop buying this fantasy the main stream media and the Democrat party is trying to coerce you with.

The MSM wants more than anything to have Romney as the nominee. The reason is very simple; Obama will lay him out on the table and slaughter him in a million pieces in the general. Why? Because of Romneycare, it’s like a noose around his neck that he’ll never shake and if he gets the nomination Obama will use it like a chainsaw on him. The biggest mistake Romney has made politically is not backing off the idea that Romneycare was a total disaster and that the State of Mass. made an epic mistake implementing it. Read the facts about the Romneycare for yourself and see what an utter and complete failure it has been.

Obama’s biggest claim to fame or rather infamy in his Presidency was that he spent 2 long years trying to jam this massive government boondoggle down our throats when of 70% of the people polled said they didn’t want national healthcare.

Obama wants more than anything to run against Romney for this reason alone; it’s a sledgehammer he’ll use repeatedly on him. You can bet the main stream media who wants Obama reelected will too if Romney gets the nomination.

I urge my friends and family members to vote for Santorum, he’s not perfect but he’s the best we have in this election cycle. God forbid he doesn’t get the nomination and Romney does. I of course will vote for him in the general but I don’t hold out a lot of hope that Romney has a chance against Obama because of Romneycare or his moderate and some would say liberal record on some of the other key issues. 

Thanks for the time and your consideration. VOTE FOR SANTORUM!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2012 American Community Survey

So… am I the only one who hasn’t filled out the 28 page  "2012 American Community Survey" from the US Census Bureau that came in the mail in January?

On the front of the envelope it says “YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW!!” This immediately got my attention so I did some research and discovered that it only goes out randomly to 2% of the population. I opened it up and looked at the questions and said screw this I’m not doing it. To many of the questions they ask are of a personal nature and are none of their business. So I did what any freedom loving American would do and deposited it into the garbage can were it belonged.

So as a result I’ve been getting almost daily phone calls from them the last few weeks and always when I’m in bed trying to sleep and unable to answer it. 2 days ago I couldn’t sleep so I got up early and not long after the phone rang.  It was the CB. I told the women I wasn’t filling it out and to please stop calling and harassing me. I also told her she was welcome to come to my house and drag me off to jail or fine me but I wasn’t filling it out. Then I hung up.

So guess what? Today the same routine, I just got another call and I said the same thing to a different guy. He said they had to have 2 refusals to stop the calls. Hopefully now they’ll leave me alone. I’m wondering what kind of correspondence I’ll get from them in the mail since I refused to fill it out? I can hardly wait.

As you may or may not know when Obama administration first came up with this survey in 2008 they said you could be fined $5000 for not filling it out. Since then no one has been actually fined because the CB doesn’t have any legal authority to enforce the laws that require the ACS to be answered.

Here’s what Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas said in 2010 about the ACS. He sums up my feelings perfectly on this issue.

“The American Community Survey amounts to an Obama administration attempt to create a government dossier on American citizens."

"The federal government has a constitutional duty to count the number of people in the United States every 10 years," Poe said. "But the federal government has no business keeping a comprehensive personal profile on every American citizen.”

"The government can take this detailed information about each person who answers the American Community Survey and use that information for its own purposes," he said. "This is Big Brother at its worst. To me, it's an invasion of privacy by the federal government all in the name of taking care of us."

Here’s yet another example of our tax dollars being wasted on a government program that in my mind is unnecessary, unconstitutional and clearly is a document that could be used for political purposes against us by Obama and the Democrats in Congress. If any of you have received this wonderful little survey in the mail do what did, don’t fill it out and throw it in the trash where it belongs.

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