Obama's speech about Israel going back to their pre-1967 borders was just another lame attempt to pander to the Arab world. Thankfully Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was having none of it and took him to school in the White House.
Obama made a gigantic mistake first by making such a plea and second by letting Netanyahu who civilly dismantled his speech, while holding court in the WH with TV cameras rolling. Thank you Mr. President.
He told Netanyahu before he flew to the U.S. to meet with him he was going to make the borders speech. He asked Obama not to use that language in the speech and he still did it anyway. Obama basically tried to corner him and embarrass him in the court of public opinion. Its dirty politics anyway you want to look at it.
Hamas is a terrorist organization; Obama has admitted it, why would we negotiate with a group of murderous thugs whose only goal is to commit the mass genocide of the Jews? Until Hamas is eradicated there should be no negotiation.
Obama's foreign policy was a disaster before he made the speech but this misstep morphs the others. He thinks by making such a plea he can pander to the Arab world with a speech that asks the Jews to make impossible border concessions? The Palestinians know the speech was unrealistic and the Jews will never buy it and shouldn’t. It’s delusional and thankfully it's backfired on him. I love Netanyahu I only wish we had such leadership in our country.
Obama doesn't have the first clue how to secure peace in the Middle East and the only leadership he is showing is one of just enlarging the conflict, with more hate and discontent by the Arab extremists that wish to destroy Israel.
His bad policy in part led to the demonstration over food in Tunisia which mushroomed into anarchy in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria. No one knows what kind of leadership will be left in the aftermath. Hopefully Democracies will fill the void but this borders speech will do nothing to secure peace. The American people need to be focused on this Israeli issue because it could ignite a world-wide war.
Obama’s foreign and domestic policy has been a disaster. We don't need another 4 years and our country MUST take a right turn in 2012. I pray that we can minimize the fallout until then. Hopefully the voters will wake up and elect a leader that has an articulate conservative message. Then we can begin to reverse course on arguably one of the most destructive and divisive Presidencies here and abroad in the history of the United States.