His half in half out commitment in Afghanistan is putting
our troops there in danger.
He removed the missile defense shield out of the Czech
Republic and Poland leaving them, Israel and Western Europe vulnerable to an
Iranian or Russian missile attacks.
He wants to close Guantanamo Bay and give the detainees an
American trial by jury or release them altogether.
He wants to prosecute the same CIA officials who were
involved in successful advanced interrogation of those prisoners that’s kept
our country safe for the last 8 years.
He’s openly critical of the current Honduran government and
supported the expelled President Manuel Zelaya who went against the country’s
constitution trying to get reelected.
He stood idly by and said little and did nothing as voters
in Iran who objected to the rigged elections were being murdered in the streets
all the while supporting the current regime.
He’s apologized to every country all over the world about
how awful and terrible the U.S. is and this is how he wins a Nobel
Peace Prize?
If this deserves a Nobel Peace Prize then my opinion of the
award itself just got flushed down the toilet.
I’m sure are enemies are having a big hysterical laugh about
this one but most Americans aren’t if they’ve been paying any attention to Obama’s
foreign policy. He’s weakened our national security and he’s leaving a gaping
hole for all these radical extremists and dictators who hate us to push through
and get stronger and more dangerous. Eventually his policies will bring terror
and economic hardship to the U.S., it’s a certainty. Barrack Obama is the
mirror image of Jimmy Carter and look where he got us?
Obama's next award will probably be an Oscar or better
yet a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. You laugh but it's probably next and
he deserves it, he one of the best Actors ever elected to be an American President.