Saturday, May 23, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Became a Leftwing Extremist

Top 10 Reasons to Became a Leftwing Extremist
By Floyd Talbot 4/18/2009

Below are top ten reasons for becoming a Leftwing extremist. If you fit any of the traits and behaviors profiled in this list, you can receive instant membership in the party of Leftwing extremists and become a candidate for membership in the ACLU, ACORN,, and the modern Democratic Party. Please review the list carefully and if the traits listed fit your views, beliefs, or philosophy, then your candidacy is assured. There will be no score, since giving you a score would make you feel bad in front of your radical friends. Membership is free since the government will pay for it.

10. You receive the full political and economic support of the federal government. If you need a bailout, subsidy, handout, tax credit, living allowance, a mortgage with stated income and bad credit, food stamps, and any other monetary help, it is yours for the asking;

9. You can substitute propaganda for truth and still call it truth and factual;

8. You will not be labeled a left wing extremist, radical, liberal, progressive, or any other type of label; you will not be profiled, because those doing the profiling are of the same persuasion as you;

7. You can jump the waiting line for immigrating into this country and stay here for several years without being caught and still be a candidate for citizenship;

6. You can maintain a handgun, rifle, or automatic weapon and shoot a border guard and latter bring charges against the guard for being roughed up or shot at for attempting to escape.  You will then receive a sympathetic ear from the federal government, be considered a hero, and have your false testimony stand in court for convicting the aggressive border guard and have him thrown in prison;

5. You can escape from being in the military and substitute unionism for becoming an average worker instead of being targeted and recruited by right wing extremists for preserving the U.S. Constitution;

4. You cannot be labeled a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-feminist, atheist, or antidemocratic;

3. You will not be accused of fueling resurgence in radicalization and recruitment;

2. You would not be a right wing extremist who believes in God, limited government, anti-abortion, free speech, dirty capitalism, right to bear arms, United States sovereignty, private property, and local government authority.


10. You can be a drone and not worry about thinking for yourself since the government will do that for you, also.

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